Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Stay Safe Socks No.1 安全祈願靴下一号

I've got hold of my other sister who live in Kyoto last week. According to her husband, the radiation wouldn't reach there because of the all those high mountains.  but still, I am worried.


I couldn't hack the those feeling without doing nothing so I start knitting pair of socks each to my sisters.

 Stay Safe Socks.

No, I haven't got any super natural power, but my thoughts is strong enough, I guess.



I've finished knitting one of socks last night. I blocked it so  can post it tomorrow but before that, I just checked if it fit alright.


My other sister said she would like to have Pink one. but I couldn't find good pink sock yarn . I wonder she'll be alright with this colour. I better ask before I start her one.

妹はピンクの靴下がいいって言ってたんですが、ピンクの良い靴下の糸が近所の毛糸屋にはなくって・・・・ もう一玉同じ毛糸を買ってあるのでこの色でもいいか聞いてから次のを編み始めます。

Thursday, 17 March 2011

6 Days after the EarthQuake and Tsunami 地震~津波 六日後に記す。

..I just couldn't face to write it down about what had happened in Japan Last Friday. it was too serious and I was worried to death ( and still I am) about people who lived affected area.

 On that day, my husband left home to go to work at 6.40 am. He phoned me at 7.00 am to tell me to turn the TV on to watch news. It was 4.00pm in Japan and only over an hour after the Earthquake.

 The first image I saw on Sky News was Big Tsunami coming towards the land crushing everything. I saw car still on the road, driving caught by the Tsunami. I gasped, and phoned my parents.

..My dad answered phone, and told me the wave was going to reach them in 30 minutes or so. They live in Miyazaki -Kyushu so way way away from Sendai but was worried. I don't know how I kept my calm but told  Mum and Dad put important things upstairs and told them  call them back after I took kids to school.

Thankfully, none of the big wave reached their way, but my guts were aching for the people who I saw on the TV. and still it is.

 Over the weekend I was trying to contact my sister in Tokyo to make sure she's alright. She left me some messages via Facebook and here so I now know she's not much in danger but I feel like just drag her out from where she is.



私も妹が東京で、宮崎に住む両親ほどすぐに連絡が取れず心配で心配でたまりませんでした。ラベリーで横浜在住の方から現地の貴重な情報をいただくことができ、さらにFacebook とこのブログで彼女の無事が確認できたのはいいのですが、原発のことを考えると無理やりこちらに引っ張ってきたくてたまりません。




Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Poo for BJ BJへささげるプー

  21st March 2011 edited
This is Free Pattern but I'll be appreciated if you could make small donation via Red Cross towards the people who affected by Tsunami in Japan.

Thank you very much for your kindness and support.

このパターンは無料ではありますが、もしご賛同いただけましたら日本赤十字社 を通じて日本で津波の被害にあわれました方々に寄付をしていただけましたら幸いです。


BJ (iHeartBobRoss) needs more Poo , and that is OFFICIAL. As a member of BJ's Group you shouldn't join I had to do something about it, and created this one.

BJ によるとですね、もっとプーがいるんですと。創作意欲をかきたてられるじゃありませんか!。しかもパターンなんかまで作成しちゃいました。

SIZE: 3inches wide-2 inches high

MATERIALS: approximately 20 g 4ply yarn (any shade of Brown- I used Patons diploma GOLD) , set of DPNs, stuffing.

METHOD: Cast on 18 sts ( divide in 3 dpns)stocking stitches until it reaches 7 inches long. *

* It will be easier to put stuffing's before it gets too long. I stuffed mine as I knit ( kind of every inches long I put stuffing in)

Once it reached 7 inches in length( its going to be the bottom part ) , make it narrower by
 K2, K2tog, K4, K2tog, K4, K2tog, K2 ( 15sts ) - carry on stocking stitches further 5 inches.

Once it reached further 5 inches, decrease again by
 K2, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K3 ( 12 sts ) - stocking sts 2 more row.

 K1, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K2, K2tog K ( 9sts ) - stocking sts 2 more row.

K1, K2tog, K1, K2tog, K1, K2tog, ( 6sts )

K2tog x 3(  3 sts ) BO,  break yarn.

I have used the tails to sew up to the shape.

I might haven't explained well so if you have any question please let me know.

***Copyright GAEA73 2011***

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Second pair of Socks  靴下2号

I've finished 2nd socks last week! The pattern is from Ravelry - Basic Ribbed Socks. Cast on 64 as Women Lsize.
 どんってな具合の写真とともに靴下2号完成!(先週できたんだけどね。)どういった具合にLサイズなんだかわかんないんですけど、ふくらはぎが入らないと困っちゃうからね、とLarge に。おかげさまでいい具合にフィット。

I couldn't see before, but this yarn change the colour. Little bit of gray and beige shows up if you look closely..


By the way, I bought something today which nothing to do with knitting. I've found it at the shop this morning just next of the till. £1.99. I've never grow rose from the seeds, so I was quite interested. but according to the instruction it need to be kept in the room temperature of 25-28 degree. ....its too cold to start this kit??





Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Spring! 春だし。

March! MARCH!!!..but its still cold.

I have finished my second socks last Friday, but I haven' blocked it properly yet. so I took some of the photos of my plants.

 This is clematis "Ville de Lyon".  3rd year since I planted.

wooo, over the weekend this little fella managed to open despite the cold cold rain.

Hyacinthe is looking good as well. Originally I just had 4 of them. Mum bought me those bulb about 5 years ago- it increased the number and I'm sure there are more than 10 now..