Tuesday, 31 May 2011

K's bedtime socks / 次男の『寝る用』靴下

It has been pleasure to knit this simple socks for K. Thinking of wanting to wear this at bed time, thought not too woolly is better ( otherwise he'll kick his covers at night). I picked Wendy Happy again ( bamboo75%, nylon25%) so it feels really soft and silky.

 I have finished this last week and he's been wearing it to go to bed since. I am so glad he likes it. 



・・・ところで、編み物Gの日記の付け方(写真野入れ方は何とかできた!でも、ハイパーリンクとかどうすんだろう)、まだよくワカリマセン。(Oh No!)とっても困ったチャン。

Monday, 23 May 2011

Knickers for Poppy /  『犬パン』

As you know, we've just changed our carpet. ...then Poppy starts her season. dohhh!! Thought I would never buy this but bought one this morning.
ご存知の通り、こないだカーペット敷き変えたばかり。で、末っ子、月のもの(っていっても年二回なんだけど)始まる・・・ 絶対買わないと思ってて過去9年手を出さなかった犬パン、ついに購入。

Even the picture of the products doesn't look very impressed./

"well?" / どう?ヘンじゃない?

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Good day / 良い日ダッタワ

My second son was invited to one of his friend's Birthday party this afternoon. They were organising some activity at park . It was so nice to be out. I stayed there carried on kitting ( his socks) till they finish the party.


I watched it from distance... from under the tree.... it was hot day you know....


Yes I was knitting too. / チョビッとまた編んじゃう。(かたっぽは昨日編めたのよ)

By the way, I've never seen people playing Vally ball outside in the park, but today I did.



After that, I took kids to the lake where my OH's fishing ( till tomorrow).

....動いてたおかげで頭痛も肩こり(昨日の自転車の副作用)もいつの間にか消えてて良い日でしたわ。明日は子供つれて「Fast and Furious 5」(邦名;ワイルド・スピードらしい)を観に行く予定で私もワクワク。

Football / サッカー

S's football team has won their league match so went final tournament for this season. Unfortunately, all the Year 6 children are on their field trip.

They had a practice on day before .....



carry on knitting while I wait. This is one of the reason I love to knit socks. Its so easy to carry about. / 練習終わるの待ってる間にちょびっと編んじゃう。靴下って持ち運びもラクで好き.

Friday(yesterday), I went to watch the matches on BIKE. Just because the weather was nice and I thought do me good...... oh dear . it killed me before I got there.


Don't ask the result ! / 結果は訊かんといてね~。

Thursday, 19 May 2011

"Great Auntie" / 「大オバ」

As her mother went back to work last month, I look after my nephew's daughter (13months) every Wednesday afternoon.  people asks me if she's mine, the I explain she's my nephew's, I'm her "great Auntie"...... yes it does make it sounds I'm getting quite old...


 My second son taking part "looking after baby" thank you. / 次男、捨て身の子守。ありがと~。.

By the way, he ( second son ) wanting to have a sock to go to bed. so I'm trying to be quick to get this one done as a thank you gift for helping me.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Finished!! 模様替え、終了!(ということにしとこう)

 The time limit was last Saturday, it was such a rush but it's finished! hoooray!!!!!!
I was going to do more up date but we had to pull all the lines and cables out to do floor so I'm uploading some photos today.

Things I've found while hoovering / 片づけ中に,動かした家具の裏から『雪の宿』が・・・

That's s alright, you lot just lay about while I'm busy / お母さん、忙しくしてる間に寝そべる方々

I've painted hall way as well / 玄関前も塗りました。

..and this is finished room / 模様替え、終了!(今朝取った写真ですヮ)

While I was taking photo, our youngest demanded some fuss.

" I won't move till you fuss my belly"/ 『おなかナデナデして~~~~』

Her mother stepped in / 母親介入

Have you quite finished taking photos? / ネエ、写真終わり?


Friday, 6 May 2011

Day 2 ・ 二日目

well yesterday, I've done ceiling and cove, went through the wall thinly 3 times to cover the existing paint. Left it to dry over the night so it looks like this this morning. oooooo whitey! My arms and back was sore last night but I'm pleased white paints covering better than what I thought.

Today, I am going to paint the colour I wanted to have on the wall, and a bit more tidying up.

昨日は昼間に天井とコーブを塗って午後から夜にかけて壁の下地塗り3回しました。今までの色がかなり濃い色なので、白とマグノリアで全体を最初にカバー。腰と腕が痛い・・・でも今朝見てみると驚きの白さ!( なんだったけ、あの洗剤のコマーシャル・・・)


At 7.00am this morning / 今朝7時の模様。

...quite a few of them were protesting on ceiling / 天井の住人、どいてくれないと、ソコ塗れないヨ

By the way, I've found lots of spider living in our living room. I've destroyed lots of their web behind those settees and hiding corner etc but I hate killing those spider. so most of them I just grubbed it and took them to the outside. ( they might come back in again....)




Thursday, 5 May 2011

S at Cross Country running 長男のクロスカントリーレース & Decorating Update 模様替えアップデート

S had test run at his Primary school and became 2nd, and secured place to represent his school at Cambridge Primary School Cross Country  yesterday.
 There were about 70 of them each ( boys and girls ) representing their schools. Oh how exciting! I went there to cheer our school , haha.



Him and his friends. 長男とお友達。

Friend was 7th, He was 9th! お友達7位、長男9位!

well, about redecorating. We went to get coves and paint at evening, and put them in the living room. It was our first time putting it on so nowhere near that perfect fit but this will do for us.


..and this is today's progress... I am having lunch break at the moment.
This morning / 今朝

At 12ish / 12時ごろ

They sulked as they don't know as I am doing unusual things like ~cleaning~. 


Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Redecorating Downstairs / 一階の模様替え(面倒くさ~)

Yes its good news my OH is going to buy us new carpet for downstairs.
I am very excited about it and very thankful he's looking into to redecorate our living room. but....I have to do all the preparation while kids are at school and he's at work.

I've got to move all bits and pieces which hiding behind the door, behind the settee, dogs cage, table, etc. Might as well I better paint ceiling and walls.

just thinking about it putting me off big time but better do it now!!!




Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Birthday Socks for J II ・ダンナの誕生日靴下 その2

As he had long long 11days holiday over Easter Holiday and Royal Wedding, naturally he took this opportunity to go to fishing. ( Carp )

That was good opportunity for me and kids to do some camping , and the weather was so lovely.



One of the Lake we went. (3つ行ったうちの一つの湖)

then I had time to do a bit of knitting after setting up fishing tackles and bivvy  tried finish HIS second socks for his birthday. and its finally done.

It was really nice to knit this pattern. Its full of Right Twists but it makes this sock really squishy and soft, comfortable fit. I am thinking knit one for myself with same pattern. I am particularly impressed with the pattern where foot arches are.

やたら交差編みの多い靴下でしたがとっても履き心地のよい一品。弾力性、フィット感に優れ、しかも土踏まずのところの編み目変更は足にそう心地よさ(らしい。ほら、ダンナの靴下は大きすぎてちょっと私の足では実感わかない. 英語では「感銘した」なんて言い切っちゃたけどさあ・爆)

I'm glad he quite liked it and start wearing as soon as I have finished it. He became quite fond of knitted socks, and tells me that I'm going to knit ONLY his socks from now on.


As I have finished those socks I have started my sister's order ( ribbed race bolero) same as my one, and the knitting needle( 4mm and 5mm) feels HUGE. lolol.
