Tuesday 3 May 2011

Birthday Socks for J II ・ダンナの誕生日靴下 その2

As he had long long 11days holiday over Easter Holiday and Royal Wedding, naturally he took this opportunity to go to fishing. ( Carp )

That was good opportunity for me and kids to do some camping , and the weather was so lovely.



One of the Lake we went. (3つ行ったうちの一つの湖)

then I had time to do a bit of knitting after setting up fishing tackles and bivvy  tried finish HIS second socks for his birthday. and its finally done.

It was really nice to knit this pattern. Its full of Right Twists but it makes this sock really squishy and soft, comfortable fit. I am thinking knit one for myself with same pattern. I am particularly impressed with the pattern where foot arches are.

やたら交差編みの多い靴下でしたがとっても履き心地のよい一品。弾力性、フィット感に優れ、しかも土踏まずのところの編み目変更は足にそう心地よさ(らしい。ほら、ダンナの靴下は大きすぎてちょっと私の足では実感わかない. 英語では「感銘した」なんて言い切っちゃたけどさあ・爆)

I'm glad he quite liked it and start wearing as soon as I have finished it. He became quite fond of knitted socks, and tells me that I'm going to knit ONLY his socks from now on.


As I have finished those socks I have started my sister's order ( ribbed race bolero) same as my one, and the knitting needle( 4mm and 5mm) feels HUGE. lolol.


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